Anchor Pelvic Physical Therapy

Business name: Anchor Pelvic Physical Therapy
Contact names: Dr. Allie Demers, Owner & Physical Therapist | She/Her
Dr. Nahir Feliciano Mendez, Physical Therapist | She/Her
Katie Perez, Occupational Therapist | She/Her
Dr. Jennie Martinez, Occupational Therapist | She/Her
Phone: (321) 316-6285
Address: 2211 Lee Road, Suite 210, Winter Park, FL 32789

What city is your “home base?”: Winter Park, FL
Do you offer a sliding scale or discounted services?: Yes

We provide the highest level of care for pelvic floor therapy. We have treated 100s of women using our proprietary method and seen amazing outcomes. We see moms during pregnancy for pelvic pain, back pain, hip pain, strengthening and birth prep. Having awareness of your pelvic floor is immensely valuable during delivery and can improve birth outcomes. Postpartum we help with recovery, healing from diastasis recti and prolapse. We treat vaginal tears and any resulting pelvic pain postpartum.

We love working with active clients who need guidance on how to continue to work out at a higher level safely during their pregnancy and how to return postpartum. We have a full gym in our office to help you mimic what you are doing at home.

We provide evidence based and trauma informed care. We value your time and we highly encourage you to bring your littles to your appointments.


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