Business name: Healthy Start Family Chiropractic
Contact name: Dr. Erin Scott
Phone: (386) 299-9496


What city is your “home base?”: Port Orange, FL
How far are you willing to travel?:
Approximately 30 minute radius
Do you offer a sliding scale or discounted services?: Please contact Dr. Erin about individual circumstances that may be a barrier to receiving care. As a family wellness practice, Dr. Erin strongly encourages families to get adjusted together and that is why Healthy Start Family Chiropractic offers discounted rates to have multiple family members adjusted at the same time! The more the merrier!
Do you accept any insurance plans or medicaid?: Healthy Start Family Chiropractic is a family wellness practice which is the exact opposite of what your insurance company believes chiropractic should be utilized for. Because of that, we are a fee for service practice and are not in network with insurance companies. If your insurance company accepts out of network assignment, you may self submit your receipts for reimbursement or you may choose to use your FSA/HSA card to pay for your visits.

Dr. Erin Scott is a proud wife, mama, and family chiropractor who loves finding joy in the little things! She understands how challenging the motherhood journey can be…because she is in it too! Because of this, she has designed her practice with busy, growing families in mind! Healthy Start Family Chiropractic aims to make receiving chiropractic care as convenient and stress-free as possible by exclusively offering house calls, where you and your family are most comfortable! Dr. Erin aims to support the families she serves with compassion, love, and with the goal to empower families to lead their healthiest and happiest lives possible!

Dr. Erin has been a chiropractor since 2011 graduating from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Port Orange, FL. Dr. Erin then took her education to the nevel level and earned an additional 3 year Diplomate in 2015 through the ICA Council on Pediatrics and is Board Certified in Prenatal and Pediatric Chiropractic Care. She is trained in the Webster Technique, a protocol for pregnant mothers that releases uterine constraints, allowing the baby to move into the proper position for birth. Dr. Erin also has additional training in Craniosacral Therapy/CST/Cranial Work to help improve plagiocephaly (improper head shape) as well as many other conditions that benefit from this type of gentle, specific care. Additionally, she has completed specialized training to help families deal with the ups and downs of TOTs (tethered oral tissues / lip & tongue ties) and is currently pursuing her lactation counselor certification through ChildBirth International to help parents navigate the challenges of breastfeeding.


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