Achieve Chiropractic Care


Business name: Achieve Chiropractic Care
Contact name: Dr. Katie Peeples | She/Her
Phone: (863) 937-4879


What city is your “home base?”: Lakeland, FL
How far are you willing to travel?:
30 minute radius
Do you offer a sliding scale or discounted services?: We offer family discounts and packages. If you are concerned about being able to afford care, please contact us directly.
Do you take any insurance plans or medicaid?: Achieve Chiropractic Care is an out-of-network provider for all major health insurances plans. If you have chiropractic coverage through your insurance company, you can still use your benefits. Our office will supply you with a detailed receipt upon request that you can submit to your insurance for direct reimbursement.

Because our care is not limited to what insurance will cover, we are able to get you better quicker. Our staff will work with you to ensure you get the care you need at a price you can afford. We believe in transparency so all pricing is listed on our booking website. Payment is due at time of service.

Achieve Chiropractic Care is here to support women in their physical and mental transition through motherhood, from trying to conceive to healing postpartum. Dr. Katie Peeples is a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association and is certified in Webster Technique, designed to create space for a breech baby to move head down.

Dr. Katie offers home visits for established patients in the first 6 weeks postpartum so you can focus on resting and bonding with your infant. She is available on-call for established patients who wish to have a home birth. Sometimes all it takes is a light adjustment and some body work to get stalled labor moving!

She has additional training to help co-manage Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs/tongue or lip ties) in infants and she is currently working on her certification to become a BirthFit Leader. An assessment of core and pelvic floor function is already part of our exam with each patient. This certification will allow us to offer more in-depth training to prepare the body for birth, reduce risk of injury, and help speed recovery.


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