Business name: Mother the Mother Birth Services
Contact name: Kinsey Sucher
Phone: (407) 533-2696


What city is your “home base?”: Ormond Beach, FL
How far are you willing to travel?:
I will travel up to an hour and a half outside of Ormond Beach, Florida.
Do you offer a sliding scale or discounted services?: I offer payment plans.

Mother the Mother Birth Services is for the mamas who take things into their own hands and who don’t blindly trust “the system”. We are for the mothers who fight for what they want and who know their strength as women (or want to find it!). We believe in a mother's intuition and her innate ability to birth. 

I offer birth doula services as well as childbirth education courses. Our Confident Birth Childbirth Education Course is a 6-week program designed to help clients dispel the fear of childbirth, build birth confidence, and plan for and achieve the birth and postpartum experience they desire. Classes are taught at The Collective Kin in Deland, FL.

I am a Cannabis friendly doula that supports in and out of hospital births but I specialize in homebirths!


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