Business name: Nurturing Nest Chiropractic
Contact name: Dr. Taylor Glasco
Phone: (386) 243-0224
Address: 275 S Charles Richard Beall Blvd., Suite 111A, DeBary, FL 32713


What city is your “home base?”: DeBary, FL
How far are you willing to travel?:
30 minutes
Do you offer a sliding scale or discounted services?: If finances are an issue we will offer discounted services based on individual circumstance.

Nurturing Nest Chiropractic is located in DeBary, FL offering prenatal, postpartum, and family wellness chiropractic care as well as telehealth functional medicine to the Volusia County area. Dr. Taylor Glasco has specialized training in TOTS (tethered oral tissues) is certified in CFT (craniosacral fascial therapy) and is a certified lactation counselor. Dr. Sage Maiolo has post-doctoral training in functional medicine. She offers functional medicine services via telehealth to help those dealing with chronic symptoms to find the root cause of their illness. Both Dr. Taylor and Dr. Sage are Webster Certified providers and love helping women through their pregnancy and postpartum journey.

At Nurturing Nest we grow with your family, providing personalized chiropractic care regardless of age. Through thorough examination, assessments, well checks, and adjustments we create a individualized care plan to meet the goals of each patient.

We believe that when given the opportunity and interference is removed the body is self-healing.


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