Business name: Frankly Pelvic LLC
Contact name: Kelly Frank
Phone: (407) 801-7407
Address: Mobile (at client home); Virtual; Office hours at Soteria Studio Maitland (9220 S US Hwy 1792, Maitland, FL 32751) select hours


What city is your “home base?”: Altamonte Springs, FL/Central Florida
How far are you willing to travel?:
30-35 minutes
Do you offer a sliding scale or discounted services?: Yes. Sliding scale and discounts offered as needed (financial concerns, previous patient discounts, referral discounts, mom group/collaboration discounts)

A personal pelvic health physical therapy service geared toward the busy professional or client that needs more 1:1 care, practical life applications for exercises, and a physical therapist that sees their needs and meets them where they are in life. Providing in-home (mobile), virtual, and office hours (Soteria Studio) therapy appointments for 60 minutes, as well as evaluation with treatment for 90 minutes. Using a functional whole-body approach to ensure your goals - physically, mentally, and socially are met.


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